The king died in a mutiny, and then the queen walked the plank is Sea Adventure.
The king died, and then the queen overcame great odds to live is a Thriller.
The king pretended to die, and then the queen went mad is a Psychological Thriller.
The king died, and then the queen was a witness for the defense is a Legal Thriller.
The king died at the cutting edge, and then the queen outsmarted the mad scientist is a Technothriller.
The king almost died at the hands of an evil nurse, and then the queen found the cure is a Medical Thriller.
The king died in a ratty hotel room, and then the queen punked the killer is Hard-Boiled Mystery.
The king died of mysterious causes, and then the queen found a pilgrim outcast to solve the crime is Historical Mystery.
The king died, and then queen’s stepdaughter found true love is a Romance.
The king pretended to die, and then the queen fell in love with the man who solved the crime and who was really the king in disguise is Romantic Suspense.
The king died of a vampire bite, but the queen could still only go out at night is Vampire Romance.
The king died, and then the queen went back in time to save him is Time Travel Romance.
The king died at the hands of the evil count, and then the queen fell in love with the count’s only good son is Gothic Romance.
The king died abroad, and then the queen went undercover is a Spy Story.
The king died dressed as a broad, and then the queen went under covers is Erotica.